Il y a des coups d'oeil qui sont toujours grandsIl y a des coups d'oeil qui sont toujours grandsIl y a des coups d'oeil qui sont toujours grandsIl y a des coups d'oeil qui sont toujours grands

Il y a des coups d’oeil qui sont toujours grands


Video (08:36min) transcripted interview (Claude Cruchet: architect of La Mottaz) and mix-media installation: ceramic, plywood

La Mottaz, built in 1968 in Apples, was the first architectural construction of the Canton de Vaud (Switzerland) to be influenced by the brutalist architectural movement.

Borrowing elements from this particular residential construction, Il y a des coups d’oeil qui sont toujours grands, digs not only into related archives, it also unearth other past and present references. La Mottaz slowly appears seemingly indebted to disparate aesthetics: from primitive sculptures to the ideal cities designed during the Renaissance in the 15th-16th centuries, crossing over to online virtual cities or video games like Tetris.

Il y a des coups d’oeil qui sont toujours grands, focuses on the dialogue between ideas and ideal, it oscillates between materialized and imaginary plans, allowing the spectator to become lodged in multiple contexts simultaneously.

Special thanks: Claude Cruchet, architect of La Mottaz.
Project developed with the support of: The Bruckner Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland