Melting for youMelting for youMelting for youMelting for youMelting For YouMelting For You

Melting For You


Video (13:06min) tracing the journey of glass as a material from sand to manufactured objects and back again into a looping process
Sculptural lights: stainless steel and mouth blown glass (180x100x70cm)

Exhibition held at: MobilabGallery, Lausanne (switzerland) and at Nunnery Gallery, London (UK)

Melting For you aims to amplify the idea of cycles through which every man-made created object and element goes, a continuous process of: transformation, transition, dissolution and evolution. It involves the creation of sculptural lights out of overlooked materials: empty glass bottles sourced from an industrial glass factory (Vetropack S.A, Switzerland) that are re-blown manually into new shapes (Berengo Glass Studio, Murano, Italy). Both processes, industrial and handmade leave their traces on the glass pieces and are combined in order to give them their aesthetic. Complemented by metal structures referring to the dimensions of kilns and tools used within the process, the entire shapes of those sculptural lights recall and are inspired by their way of making.

Special thanks: Camilla Palestra (London, UK), Pierre Jaquier (Lausanne, Switzerland), Domenico Savoye (Sion, Switzerland) and Will Plowman: video sound (Bristol, UK)

Project developed with the support of: UAL ( University of the Arts London, UK); The Art for The environment Project (Curation: Camilla Palestra); The Centre for Sustainable Fashion and Arts Council England; Vetropack S.A, St-Prex (Switzerland); The Berengo Glass Studio (Murano, Italy); Bitz & Savoye S.A (Sion, Switzerland)