we could all be a measuring point for mountains we could all be a measuring point for mountains we could all be a measuring point for mountains we could all be a measuring point for mountains We could all be a measuring point for mountains

We could all be a measuring point for mountains


mix media installation: metal tripod, sand 250x250x280cm;
frame, found image of a tripod erected on top of Swiss mountains 20x28cm; print of erratic stones of Switzerland 52x87cm

Since 1845, Swiss mountains’ tops have been measured taking as reference points the Niton stones in the lake of Geneva. Those two erratic stones, left there by the Rhone glacier during the last glaciation, have been chosen among countless others to be the reference from which to calculate the highs of what is seen as one of Switzerland’s most recognizable and praised aspect.

This work shares an image or the name of the other erratic stones laying on Swiss ground that are not the chosen ones. Would our mountains be less stable with them?